“National Sales Meeting Season” is upon us! Do you get the maximum benefit from national and regional sales meetings? Follow these five simple steps to get the most value from the time you invest attending sales conferences.
- Set Objectives. What do you need to grow your business this year? How can you deliver even better client service? What efficiencies can you put in place to allow you and your team to work smarter? Asking these questions and setting objectives for sales meetings provides the framework for making these meetings profitable.
- Review The Agenda. What sessions promise the most for you? What speakers do you want to make certain to hear? Research the speakers to find out about their experience and areas of expertise. Look at the list of sponsors to identify product partners and vendors with whom you would like to visit. Make the best use of the exhibit hall for new learning and service opportunities.
- Network. Meet people that can help you achieve your business objectives. Look for new attendees, and welcome them. Who knows; they might be able to help you as well! Connect with home office leadership and support staff to build relationships, create liaisons, and advocates for opportunity development and problem solving.
- Plan Individual Meetings. Schedule breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and coffees in advance with individuals that can assist you as you work toward building your business.
- Have Fun. Sales meetings often include entertainment, excursion, and adventure opportunities. Take advantage of these, for you can mix business with pleasure!
Good selling!
I’m going over my notes from my meeting. I have to tell you this was the best most personally beneficial meeting I have ever attended. I sat and talked with several top reps and was even asked to council a young rep who is struggling.
This meeting was so effective for me because of you pushing me to have a strategy. I finally get it. How I have a BUSINESS and what my business is.
I am now putting it down on paper and will share it with you when it’s complete.
I just wanted to thank you for your guidance and encouragement so far.