Financial Services, Speaker and Coach

Feel as if you have a lot of balls in the air right now? What do you tell your clients about the markets? How could this critical election affect portfolios? Who will win?!? The CNN Article:

“US Economy Heading Straight For The Cliff”

Is this we are heading? And how do you plan for Q4 and 2013 with all of the uncertainty?

Talk to your children and grandchildren; ask them to show you how to complete a jigsaw puzzle.

  1. Set up the box so you can see the picture.
  2. Find the corner pieces and set them aside.
  3. Do the same with the edge pieces.
  4. Do the same with pieces of similar colors or shades.
  5. Start with the border, using the corner and edge pieces.
  6. Fill in the details, paying attention to similar colors, shapes, and objects.

What does this relate to advising your clients about their portfolios, as well as to you and your business plan?

  • Reaffirm and clarify goals and objectives
  • Identify the exact present situation
  • Review your present strategies
  • Assess the different potential outcomes and their potential affect upon your strategies
  • Design contingency plans for the different potential results
  • Establish milestones and review dates to evaluate options and further actions

Uncertainty and risk are a part of our daily lives. You cannot eliminate it for you clients or yourself, but you can manage it and be prepared to take advantage  of new opportunities. This is the essence of guiding others and the planning the future of your business!

Work Hard & Have Fun!