Financial Services, Speaker and Coach

WHAT you say matters. HOW you say it gives it power.

Click here to see a powerful video – Words Matter

This video teaches important sales/business/life principles:

  1. Words DO Matter. You can speak the truth, but if you say it the wrong way, you may miss the outcome you seek. In fact, you may get just the opposite. Often this happens to the detriment of your client.
  2. What You GIVE Matters. Notice the woman did not give the blind man money, but a much greater gift that resulted in others giving even more money! Sometimes what you DO for someone (or position them to do) is more important that what you GIVE to them.
  3. What You CHOOSE To SEE Matters. The person who has eyes but refuses to see is no better off than the person who is blind. Others saw the man, but didn’t SEE him.

Others had a chance to help but refused. Still others left money, but possibly out of guilt or obligation. One person did not act, but upon second thought, turned around and treated a problem, not the symptoms. Look for the good to be done in the world, and specifically with your clients.

Many thanks to Daniel Patti, CFP of DMP Asset Management in Newtown, CT for sharing the link.

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